Saturday, September 21, 2024

Sophie Yeo - Nature's Ghosts: The world we lost and how to bring it back

Nature's Ghosts is an excellent study of the way that ecological systems are inseparable from human influence, which means that re-wilding cannot be a return to some imaginary, historic pristine nature. It's a great study and a recommended read. I am reviewing Sophie Yeo's book for another publication and I'll publish the link here when it's complete. In the meantime check out some of my related reviews below.

Related Reviews

Pearce - The New Wild: Why Invasive Species will be Nature's Salvation
Lymbery - Dead Zone: Where the Wild Things Were
Kolbert - The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
Rawlence - The Treeline: The last forest and the future of life on earth
Malm - Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency: War Communism in the 21st Century

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