Monday, August 10, 2015

Paul Hampton - Workers and Trade Unions for Climate Solidarity: Tackling climate change in a neoliberal world

Paul Hampton's new book, Workers and Trade Unions for Climate Solidarity is an excellent examination of the debates around climate change and the role of workers and workplace organisation. Written from an explicitly Marxist point of view it argues that workers must have a central role in dealing with climate change. There are detailed case studies of the role of workplace environment reps in reducing emissions (a role that is not always purely positive in terms of wider workplace relations) as well as the struggle by Vestas workers to avoid their plant closing. For those of us who have been involved in the UK's One Million Climate Jobs campaign there is a discussion of this, and similar movements. Sadly the price (over £80) ensures that few workers will ever read it, which is an enormous shame.

I wrote a full review of this book for the International Socialism Journal. You can read that here.

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